• James Seymour Brett

    James Seymour Brett

    James Seymour Brett has come through in the last few years as a versatile, international talent scoring projects in all genres and media.

    His style ranges from the large, upscale orchestral grandeur of “Batman Live”, “Walking With Dinosaurs” & “Planet 51”, to smaller, more intimate works such as “L’Histoire De Nos Petites Morts”, “Outpost”, and “The Life And Death Of Peter Sellers”. In recent years James has enjoyed success on Network TV with 2 seasons of the cult drama “HEX” for Sky 1 and “Crusoe” for NBC. Also in his early career he was fortunate to have worked with the late Michael Kamen on projects such as “Band Of Brothers” and “From The Earth To The Moon”.

    More recently James has collaborated with Roland Emmerich on major film work – “2012”, “10,000 BC” and with Stephen Frears on this year’s “Lay The Favourite”, the latter of which demanded a quirky, Americana-style score covering rock, blues & folk genres.

    This year marks a busy period as James will be composing the score for Pixar’s latest blockbuster “Planes”, and an animated musical feature film called “Saving Santa”, overseeing the release of his specially commissioned “London Olympics 2012 Album”. He also masterminded and conducted the “Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations” with the BBC, working alongside artists such as Elton John, Paul McCartney, Annie Lennox and Stevie Wonder.

  • Dorothée Munyaneza

    Dorothée Munyaneza

    Dorothée Munyaneza initially gained worldwide exposure following her film music debut on the soundtrack of the Oscar-nominated 2004 feature film “Hotel Rwanda”. Her subsequent collaboration with Afro Celt Sound System as a guest singer on their 2005 Real World Records release, “Volume 5 – Anatomic” was greeted with critical acclaim, her impassioned singing making her instantly popular among the devotees of the band worldwide. This solo project, developed over several years with Grammy-nominated Afro Celt Sound System member and producer Martin Russell, marks her full emergence into the world music arena.

    Dorothée, who was 12 at the time of the Rwandan genocide in 1994, is now married and based in Paris. She is currently starring in a touring production of director Francois Verret’s Kafka-esque performance-drama “Ice”, and has become a core part of the “La Compagnie FV”. Prior to this she has performed extensively throughout Europe with The Jonas Foundation as a singer, dancer, percussionist and actress, has sung and acted in Francois Verret’s previous production, “Sans Retour”, has taken part in fundraising events for “Terre des Hommes”, performed as a soloist at a concert for “Chain of Hope” at the Royal Overseas League, at the 2006 Geneva Movement for Peace convention, and at the 2006 Inauguration of the Commission for Human Rights at the Geneva UN Palace.

    Dorothée’s passion is social integration through music and the arts – her goal is eventually to be able to start a school for art, dance and music in Rwanda, helping children and young people to grow up with an enduring love of music and each other.